Day 71 - Tues Jan 1: Here is another installment on my P2F debt from late November. Let's flash back to New Year's Day.
The kids christened their new bikes with a ride to the local park. Once there, they did a few laps aropund the walking track before descending upon the playground equipment. I chaperoned the excursion - with bins strapped around my neck of course!
I was guietly delighting in several year birds - House Sparrows, Canada Goose, Rock Doves. Keep in mind - it was January 1st!
Another family ventured down to the park for some quality time. Moments after their arrival, the familliar flap-flap-glide is registered over the adjacent neighborhood.
"Here comes a Sharp-shinned Hawk!" I pretended to announce this for the benefit of my own little cherubs. My true objective was to pique the curiosity of either dad, daughet, or grandma of the newly arrived party.
Sure enough the father turned my way and inquired, "where's the hawk?!"
I was able to get him on the small accipiter that was actively patrolling the area. We talked for a few minutes about our local raptors. As expected, he was quite surprised to hear that hawks, falcons and eagles can be found flying over our neighborhood throughout the year.
As they were leaving, he thanked me for geting his year off to an interesting start.
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