Tuesday, December 18, 2007

P2F - Roadside Hawks

Day 59 - Wed Dec 12: The gym teacher was powerwalking down the hallway. I attempted in vain to clear enough room in the corridor. It turns out he was seeking me out!

"Hey Dave, I have to tell you this!"

"Is everything alright Phil?"

"Yeah but this is all YOU!"

He had me very curious.

"I was driving down Route 70 and I saw this huge hawk swoop down," he launches into arm flapping charades as students are slowly filtering into the previous barren hallways.

"He landed right on top of a rabbit! The bird was huge and he just sat there - on the rabbit! It was almost as if he was proud of his catch - like a cat would do!"

Again, charades played out as Phil poses like a pompous movie start at a photo shoot.

The kids walked by twisting their heads toward him with subtle chuckles.

"When I saw it, I thought 'Dave would love this' "

"Hawks are so impressive to watch. They can be so powerful and graceful. Thanks for getting my day off to such a nice start."

Phil walked away looking almost as proud as his roadside hawk.

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