Monday, December 3, 2007

P2F - Mixed Flocks

Day 45 - Tues Nov 13: Today was Mix-It-Up Day. Our school participates in this national campaign to build awareness and acceptance of others.

As explains, The Mix It Up concept is "a project supporting student efforts to identify, question and cross social boundaries within their schools and communities."

As the kids entered the cafeteria, they were sent to random tables. Instead their normal crew, they would be breaking bread with a new set of peers today. The students were both shaken and stirred by this simple logistical maneuver.

My routine was also disrupted. I usually make the rounds and go through my repertoire of individualized interactions for each group of kids. Talking sports at some tables, music at others, books with other still, and birds with all of them at times.

Today, the music kids, sports kids, and all the rest were as mixed as flocks of migrating shorebirds or wintering blackbirds. While this made my daily performance unique, it definitely allowed for birding discussions as I explained the mixed flock analogy to each table = )

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